Ohio Forest Sanctuaries Land Acknowledgment

As we gather today let’s take a moment to acknowledge that we are on borrowed land. This land that has been stewarded and loved by countless people, plants, and animals for many millennia before us. Among those people are the Iroquois, Shawnee and Ohio Valley tribes, specifically the Lenape and the Tuscarora. These original peoples were forcibly removed from this land through disease, war, and encroachment although some still live here today. Among the plants are the Lakeside Daisy, the Northern Monkshood, and the Running Buffalo Clover. Among the animals are the Scioto Madtom Fish, the Mitchell’s Satyr Butterfly, the Northern Long Eared Bat, and the Wolf. We acknowledge that we must confront a history of harmful and reckless behavior toward these inhabitants while committing ourselves to responsibly stewarding these borrowed lands and protecting them for future generations. We further acknowledge that our successful stewardship of this land will require close collaboration with these native species and people.